This documentation provides an overview of the roles within Massdriver and the corresponding permissions for each role regarding GraphQL operations.
Organization Viewer
All organization members are granted the "organization viewer" role, allowing them to:
- acceptGroupInvitation
- applicationBundleTemplates
- artifactDefinition
- artifactDefinitions
- artifact
- artifacts
- cloudDnsZones
- cloud
- compareEnvironments
- containerRepositories
- containerRepository
- createApplicationBundle
- defaultableEnvironmentConnectionGroups
- dnsZones
- environment
- filterArtifactsByType
- getPackageByNamingConvention
- group
- groups
- importableResources
- instanceTypes
- manifest
- metricTimeSeries
- organization
- package
- project
- projects
Organization Admin
In addition to the organization viewer permissions, "organization admin" can perform:
- addServiceAccountToGroup
- artifactDefinition
- auditLogs
- billingSubscription
- bundle
- connectDnsZone
- createArtifact
- createDnsZone
- createEnvironmentConnection
- createGroupInvitation
- createGroup
- createManifest
- createSubscriptionManagementSession
- deactivateServiceAccount
- deleteArtifact
- deleteBundle
- deleteGroupInvitation
- deleteGroupMembership
- deleteGroup
- deleteOrganizationMember
- deleteServiceAccount
- disconnectDnsZone
- grantGroupAccess
- publishArtifactDefinition
- publishBundle
- reactivateServiceAccount
- removeServiceAccountFromGroup
- serviceAccounts
- updateGroup
Project Viewer
"Project viewer" roles allow views on specific project-related GraphQL operations:
- compareDeployments
- deployPreviewEnvironment
- deployment
- deployments
- environment
- getPackageByNamingConvention
- grantGroupAccess
- importResources
- importableResources
- instanceTypes
- manifest
- metricTimeSeries
- package
- watchMetric
Project Admin
In addition to the project viewer permissions, a "project admin" can:
- assignRemoteReference
- configurePackage
- createEnvironmentConnection
- createEnvironment
- createImportableManifest
- createManifest
- createProject
- createServiceAccount
- createWatchedMetricPackageAlarm
- decommissionPackage
- decommissionPreviewEnvironment
- deleteEnvironmentConnection
- deleteEnvironment
- deleteManifest
- deleteProject
- deleteWatchedMetricPackageAlarm
- deployPackage
- disconnectImportedResources
- downloadArtifact
- linkManifests
- setDefaultSecretForPreviewEnvironments
- setManifestPosition
- setPackageSecret
- unsetDefaultSecretForPreviewEnvironments
- unsetPackageSecret
- unlinkManifests
- unsetRemoteReference
- unwatchMetric
- updateArtifact
- updateEnvironment
- updateManifest
- updateProject
- watchMetricAndCreatePackageAlarm
- createWatchedMetricPackageAlarm
Authorization Rule Details
All resources in Massdriver roll up to either an organizational or project boundary. Specific permissions on GraphQL operations are contingent on the boundary and role of the user in relation to that boundary.